Slow cookers can deliver melt-in-your-mouth meats and stunning soups and stews with minimal kitchen prep. Choose the right slow cooker, set it and forget it. Consumer Reports explains the features that matter most.
00:00 – Introduction
01:08 – Manual
01:21 – Programmable
02:40 – Shape
02:53 – Size
Crock-Pot Slow Cooker 8 Quart Programmable Slow Cooker with Digital Countdown Timer, Black Stainless Steel, and these Crock-Pot Slow Cookers are affordable. Check availability on Amazon.
On a regular day, surprise every one of your family with their favorite soup or stew by letting it cook all day. When the household arrives home the delicious meal of what’s been simmering, you will immediately earn some excellent points with hardly any effort for preparing that delightful meal.
And speaking of brownies since you’ll be saving lots of time on your dinner, you’ll have more time to make some, or perhaps another favorite family treats.

Therefore, if you have that instant pot slow cooker, but it’s been gathering dust somewhere high up on a shelf, it’s time to put it into use. Take it down, dust it off and use it. There is nothing better especially on a cold, snowy day than a slow cooker filled with mouth-watering, homemade goodies. The advantage of the slow cooker offers incredible time-saving ways to make smooth, melt-in-your-mouth dishes without the stress of cooking
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